Natlonal institute of environmental research

Research Field

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Climate & Air Quality

In order to improve air quality, we are working on making health risk mitigation the centerpiece of air quality management and laying the foundation to adapt to climate change and realize carbon neutrality.

  • Constructing a comprehensive research foundation for regionspecific air environment, such as for air pollutants that can travel long distances
  • Identifying the causes of air pollution through three-dimensional monitoring and expanding the measurement infrastructure
  • Identifying air pollution characteristics by region and laying the foundation for research on customized countermeasures
  • Conducting research on the national adaptation to climate change and constructing an GHG air monitoring system for urban areas
  • Engaging in the international recognition arrangements for GHG verification and international cooperation to improve air quality
  • Researching the characteristics of pollutants from air emission facilities
  • Researching air pollutant monitoring using advanced monitoring equipment
  • Expanding national air quality forecasting services
  • Researching advancement of technology to improve the accuracy of air quality forecasting
  • Researching production and validation of regular products from the environmental satellite GEMS
  • Researching development of technologies and applications that utilize GEMS data
  • Engaging in international collaboration to validate air quality data from GEMS
※ More details can be found in the Annual Reports.
National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyong-ro 42, Seogu. Incheon. Republic of Korea (Zipcode 22689)
TEL 82-32-560-7114 FAX 82-32-568-2033