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International Symposium for 25th Anniversary of World Water Day 2017 (23 March 2017)

DATE2017-09-26 HIT1248


25th Anniversary of World Water Day

International Symposium for 25th Anniversary of World Water Day 2017 (23 March 2017)


National Institute of Environmental Research held an international symposium for 25th Anniversary of World Water Day 2017 with the theme titled “Effects on Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem and Management of Contaminated Sediment” in Kimdaejung Convention Center on 23 March.

This symposium was held to commemorate World Water Day United Nations(UN) designated and was aimed at sharing the latest results of sediments and broadening our understanding of sediments through discussion of 150 experts including USA, The Netherlands, Switzerland and Australia.

25th Anniversary of World Water Day


First of all, Stuart L. Simpson, who works at CSIRO in Australia, delivered a keynote speech concerning “Evaluating Impacts of Sediment Contaminants on Water Quality and Ecosystem Health”. Subsequently, various domestic and international cases regarding evaluation and management of method for contaminated sediments were introduced.

Dr. Teresa C. Michelsen of Farallon Consulting in the USA introduced “Sediment Management Standard: Source control and Sediment Cleanup in the State of Washington, USA”. Dr. Leonard Oste in Deltares of the Netherlands made a presentation about “Managing Contaminated Sediment: Lessons learned in the Netherlands. Dr. Carmen Casado-Martinez from EAWAG in Switzerland presented “A new Module for the Sediment Compartment within the MSP for the Assessment of Water Bodies in Switzerland”. Dr. Jonghyeon Lee, a sole Korean presenter, delivered a speech about “Development and Validation of Freshwater Sediment Quality Assessment Guidelines (SQAGs) for Metals in Korea.


25th Anniversary of World Water Day

This symposium played an important role in sharing information of sediment research and management. This information will be utilized for making policy related to sediment management of rivers and lakes in Korea.

** World Water Day, designated as 22 March at the 47th UN General Assembly in 1992, is an annual event to remind people of the importance of water.


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