Natlonal institute of environmental research

Research Field

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Environmental Resources

We conduct research to promote society-wide resource-circulation by suppressing waste generation, improving resource utilization and treatment, efficiently recovering and utilizing waste energy, manufacturing and analyzing environmental samples, and eco-friendly management of the national territory.

  • Researching waste classification systems and generation characteristics
  • Designating and approving recycling environmental assessment organizations
  • Researching increased use of circular resources and analyzing and evaluating environmental impacts
  • Researching cross-border movement of waste
  • Researching energy recovery from waste materials
  • Researching improvement of inspection system for waste treatment facilities
  • Researching the production, utilization, and expansion of energy from waste resources such as solid fuel products
  • Researching biogasification technology and performance evaluation of organic waste
  • Reviewing environmental impact statements, etc., and conducting research on post-environmental impact assessment
  • Researching heat distribution regulation in a green infrastructure and green space utilization patterns
  • Collecting and storing environmental ecological samples and operating the Environmental Specimen Bank
  • Investigating and engaging in research to develop, disseminate, and supplement best practices
※ More details can be found in the Annual Reports.
National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyong-ro 42, Seogu. Incheon. Republic of Korea (Zipcode 22689)
TEL 82-32-560-7114 FAX 82-32-568-2033