Natlonal institute of environmental research

Research Field

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Four Major River

We support policy-making on the water environment for better water quality management and conservation of aquatic ecosystems in the watersheds of Korea’s four major rivers by

  • Conducting surveys and research on emerging environmental issues in each watershed in order to preserve a healthy water environment
  • Operation of national monitoring network for water quality and sediment to support policies responding to climate change
  • Measuring mainstream and tributary flows for promotion of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) management system
  • Operation of a monitoring network for radioactive substances in public waters for management of a safe water environment
  • Water quality measurement with preventive measures through algal bloom alarm systems
  • Monitoring the aquatic ecosystem at weirs in the four major rivers
  • Operation of a monitoring network for Norovirus in drinking water during drought periods in areas lacking water
  • Operating UNEP GEMS/Water Program for national water quality basic data
  • Conducting detailed surveys on nonpoint sources and rivers by watershed
  • Providing continued support for water pollution-related incidents and countermeasures for issues related to the water environment
※ More details can be found in the Annual Reports.
National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyong-ro 42, Seogu. Incheon. Republic of Korea (Zipcode 22689)
TEL 82-32-560-7114 FAX 82-32-568-2033