Natlonal institute of environmental research

Research Field

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Environmental Health

To protect public health, we are working to improve the environmental health surveillance system to detect hazards and creating a foundation for advanced chemical risk assessment.

  • Establishing and operating a national environmental health monitoring system
  • Studying environmental pollution exposure and effects on resident health in pollution-prone areas
  • Children's environmental health birth cohort project and international collaboration
  • Studying advanced risk and hazard assessment of hazardous chemicals
  • Studying the assessment of chronic exposure effects of substance of risk concern and hazard of carbon nanomaterials
  • Developing criteria for chemical hazard assessment using alternative testing methods such as QSARs and evidence-based assessment matrices
  • Investigating environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants and other substances of international concern
  • Researching technology to manage biocides and household chemicals and strengthen safety management
  • Health monitoring for the Humidifier Disinfectant victims and verified sufferer from exposure
  • Investigating and researching humidifier sanitizers and examining toxic chemicals for effects on health
※ More details can be found in the Annual Reports.
National Institute of Environmental Research, Hwangyong-ro 42, Seogu. Incheon. Republic of Korea (Zipcode 22689)
TEL 82-32-560-7114 FAX 82-32-568-2033