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Second Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres

DATE2017-03-20 HIT1789

whocc 2017


Second Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific (28-29 Nov 2016, Manila).


Second Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific 28 - 29 Nov 2016 Manila, Philippines The Centre participated in the Second Regional Forum of WHO Collaborating Centres in the Western Pacific held on 28-29 Novermber 2016 in the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO), Manila, Philippines, joined by about 270 representatives from 142 out of 190 WHO Collaborating Centres in the region. The Centre took stock of activities implemented over the last two years since the first forum in 2014 and shared achievements and progress with the secretariat and other WHO CCs. In addition, WHO CCs in the field of environmental health joined the parallel sessions to come up with common areas (air pollution and water and sanitation) for future cooperation and discussed how to contribute to those areas, particularly in light of SDGs achievements. The Centre shared its concrete plan for continuous and active support for TWG‐Air Quality work in 2017 and expanded cooperation with other Asia‐Pacific countries beyond on‐going collaborative research work with Mongolia (Public Health Institute) to initiate joint research on environmental pollution and health effects.







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