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Korea-Germany Joint Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycling Resources

DATE2018-01-29 HIT1202


National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) will hold the Korea-Germany joint workshop to share policies and good practices of waste management of the two countries.

National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER) under the Ministry of Environment announced that it will hold the "Korea-Germany Joint Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment of Recycling Resources" on January 29 at Seoul Garden Hotel Mapo.

As eco-toxicity tests for hazard evaluation of recycling materials took effect from January 1, 2018, the joint workshop is aimed at sharing latest research and policies on hazard evaluations of the two countries.

The workshop will draw about 100 participants including Korean and German environmental experts, environmental impact assessment institutions, hazard evaluation institutions and industrial circles.

Presentations on policies and research regarding recycling resources at home and abroad will be given first, followed by a comprehensive discussion.

Deputy Director Kim Taehoon of the Ministry of Environment will introduce Korea's resource recycling policies and systems, and Researcher Jeong Dawi of NIER will explain the procedures and methods of environmental impact assessment.

Seven experts including Dr. Franz-Georg Simon of Scientific and Technical Federal Institute of Germany will give presentations on various issues such as economic and legal points for waste management as well as sorting of recycled resources.

Germany has taken a lead in resource circulation by implementing the Waste and Resource Circulation Act since 1996 to reduce waste generation and prioritize recycling management policies. In particular, Germany set the recycling rate targets for domestic waste and construction waste as 65% and 70% respectively by 2020, and has promoted policies for an efficient waste management.

Director Kim Kiheon of Resource Circulation Research Division, NIER, commented that "I hope the joint workshop will help stakeholders better understand the environmental impact assessment and recycle waste resources in a safer way." "NIER will further expand the scope of cooperation with German experts through joint research and personnel exchanges in the field of waste management and recycling," he added.



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